How to turn a gif into a video file
How to turn a gif into a video file

how to turn a gif into a video file

Of course, this doesn’t affect you in any way as a user (except for the faster loading times), but it is important to keep it in mind when deciding to create or edit your own GIFs.


That’s why nowadays, a lot of the “GIFs” you see online, especially on websites like Gfycat or Reddit are actually looping MP4 clips. To get an idea of what “smaller” means when talking about GIFs and videos, consider this: a GIF that’s converted to MP4 can end up being 5 to 6 times smaller, which means a lot when talking about loading times and web page optimization. The reason for this is quite simple: MP4 clips are smaller and simultaneously offer higher video quality and the possibility to add sound. Over the last decade, looping MP4 videos have started to replace GIFs on a lot of websites. The truth is, however, that not everything that loops is technically a GIF.

how to turn a gif into a video file

The term “GIF” has become so ingrained in internet culture over the decades that nowadays a lot of people use it to refer to any short, looping animation. The right way to pronounce it is highly debatable and we’ll leave it up to you to decide which way is better. GIF, which stands for Graphical Interchange Format. Much like a PNG or a JPEG, the looping animations got their names from the file extension. We’ve already established that anyone can recognize a GIF when they see it, but what is it really? Well, in layman’s terms, a GIF, even though it acts kind of like a video, is actually an image! The short animated images have always been a staple of internet culture going back to the 1990s and have exploded in popularity in recent years, mostly because of technological advances making them easier to load and share on social networks or messaging apps. You don’t have to be a very technically-minded person to know what a GIF is.

How to turn a gif into a video file